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Denim Blue

A life without Demin? Hard to imagine for us! The blue color of the denim fabric has become a real all-rounder. Demin can be interpreted casual and chic, extravagant and simple, new and classic. The blue tone can range from a bright blue, the width of the sky, to a deep blue of the classic bluejeans. Due to the associative connection to the sky, the color blue is attributed a feeling of distance and infinity. As the color of water, blue reflects a familiarity, relaxation and silence. Such a diverse and ubiquitous color is therefore indispensable to our color empire.  

The use of blue in design and interior design is omnipresent. The color is increasingly preferred as the "neutral du jour", before the non-color black to create depth and softness. Combinations of noble blue with natural materials such as wood, supports a gentle and decelerating atmosphere. Contrasting materials such as cool gray tones provide a puristic excitement to the elegant blue.


We want more blues in everyday life.


/ Think creative to find the 

right  blues. 



/ Inspiration

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